The Northeast Wisconsin DX Association was established in 1993.
We have FCC assigned amateur call sign W9DXA.
From the inital twenty one founding members, we now number over one hundred members.
Forty one "life" members.
Three honorary "life" members.
Sixteen members are silent keys (sk) and will always be listed on our membership roster to show our respect.
Fifteen members have been licensed for a minimum of fifty consecutive years.
We have female and male members of all ages who communicate in person and on the air.
The social interaction of all ages within the association provides a knowledge base as well as an informal education for young amateur radio operators as they mingle with experienced hams and individuals with a common interest of contesting and/or DXing.
We have members who have been on DXpeditions to many areas of the world. These amateurs can provide information and advice for those interested in becoming involved in a DXpedition or just wishing to hear about DXpeditions.
Prior to and after our business meeting there is time to meet to discuss, learn and share with individuals with a like interest.
A DX program is provided after every business meeting.
NEWDXA donates funds annually to support requests from hams around the world planning Dx'peditions.
NEWDXA member Tom, AA9A, is an official QSL card checker for DXCC, WAS, WAC and VUCC. Please contact Tom ahead of the meeting that you are bringing cards to be checked.